New App – TwoDots

We recently had Professional illustrator Owen Davey deliver a talk to you guys through our Art Talk series. Owen was commissioned to create the illustrations for the new app game called TwoDots – very addictive! He did say he was working on a App but was not allowed to disclose any information during the talk.

It’s currently in the Best New Games section on ITunes and climbing high in games chart. Another great example of where a career in the creative industries can take you.




ART Talks

Get ready for a series of talks to be delivered by professional creatives from the art world. This is your opportunity to ask any questions to those who are making real difference in the creative industry.

gurpsart talk

Also, take a look at the TED Talks website (you’ll notice the inspiration for the image above!).  TED invites acclaimed professionals from the across the globe to present talks about various topics, ranging from the Arts to Science.  The talks last for 18 minutes or less and they are very interesting to watch – some categories may even help with your GCSE’s.  Visit the website for more information

Where can Art take you?

Art isn’t just about painting pretty pictures or producing drawings – it can help you lead a career anywhere.  Such as Architect, Games Designer, Fashion or Car Design to name a few.

Remember to keep looking at the GCSE Art careers board along the art corridor to help give you ideas as to what you can do after you have finished school.edit 1edit 2edit 3edit4

The Big Draw

big draw poster A4Remember folks, The Big Draw is taking place on Monday 7th October during lunch A and C.  We have two professional illustrators coming in, Owen Davey and Brett Wilkinson. 

This is a great opportunity for you to have a chat with two creatives who are making a success out of art. Owen is a childrens book illustrator and Brett is also an illustrator but also runs his own graphic design agency.  So if you are thinking of going down the art route career wise, make sure you come along to the art room and have a chat with either of them.

Follow the links to look at Owen’s and Brett’s /